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In the Playground

Welcome to Our Centre

-We see children as strong, capable, mighty learners bringing them into their deepest curiosity and potential.

–We encourage the development of the whole child, valuing the uniqueness of the individual, with opportunities for social, physical, intellectual, creative, and emotional growth.


-We accept and value all children and families without regard to background, race, language, religion or national origin.


-We believe children are capable of constructing their own learning topics through Emergent Curriculum. The interests of the child become the starting point of what they will learn by being engaged in topics of their choice, with forward thinking and preparation by the Educators.


-Trained Educators gain an understanding of what interests children through co learning, co researching, and co imagining possibilities together with the children through collaboration that encourage children to build upon their interests. 


-We encourage children to learn through play-based programming with their environment as a key teacher with home-like, intimate environment that provides safe, educational and loving care. 

-Children are provided with healthy risk in play to gain confidence, challenge their physical strength, and overcome the difficulty of assessment at their own pace.


-We offer developmentally appropriate learning materials that are integral to natural growth and brain development, including natural materials and loose parts. 

-We encourage process art with open-ended play based experiences


-Children’s learning is made visible to others through documentation for the purpose of further interpretation.

-Our children are encouraged to try new things, think and move in new ways, make new friends, be brave, and feel accepted as contributing members of society and citizens of the world. 

Narnia Learning Centre (est.1983)

1203 6th Ave South
Lethbridge, Ab
T1K 1A3


Childcare services offered: infants to kindergarten (up to 6 years of age)

Part-time and Full-time care

Direct partnership with a neighbouring Kindergarten for school-aged enrolment. 

Love Grows Here
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Our Programs:


0-12 months:

Early Infant Program


12-19 months:

Infant Program

19-36 months:

Toddler Program

3-6 years old:
Explorers Program



Skilled and experienced Early Childhood Educators 

Educators learn and collaborate with a variety of philosophies including;

-FLIGHT: Alberta's Early Learning and Care Framework 
-Emergent Curriculum

-Reggio Emilia Philosophy

-Nature-based Programming

Funding for ECE employees seeking post-secondary coursework 

High School Work Experience (WCHS)

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